A Room for Auto-therapy
Soap, Stainless Steel, Water, Wood 肥皂,不銹鋼,水,木 Size variable 尺寸可變
The Huge Soap is a sculpture on itself. As audiences wash their hands, the huge soap dissolves and transforms gradually into a basin. It is the audiences sculpt a sculp- ture into another. Transform everyday objects into sculp- tures, the making are repetitive and require extreme mental focus. Pushing body to its limit, as my meditation
Toilet paper, soap and washbasins also refer to the place of a toilet; It is my recent exploration of one person space. Whether origin and production process of this piece, is also a meditation and auto-therapy.
Untitled 201504.001
無題 201504.001
Toilet paper, Stainless Steel 厠紙, 不銹鋼
Size variable 尺寸可變
This work minimizes the sense of “touch” to a readymade object that can still be named a sculpture. Even though the visual presenta- tion is subtle, the amount of work is extensive. Three layers of the toilet paper are first unrolled and separat- ed. Then, the whole central layer was hand-cut with a pattern segment by segment. Finally, the three layers were re-rolled to return to its original form. The appearance is not much different from the original object, but the nature of the object is completely changed.
Future Exchange
Soap, Steel, Plastic, Printing 肥皂,鋼,塑料,印刷品 Size variable 尺寸可變
Installation for Hong Kong Week@Taipei “Past. Present. Future. Hong Kong Architecture” at SongShan Innovation Park, TaiPei

The Huge Soap is a sculpture on itself. As audiences wash their hands, the huge soap dissolves and transforms gradually into a basin. It is the audiences sculpt a sculp- ture into another. 巨大的肥皂本身已是一個雕塑,當觀眾在這個巨 大的肥皂上洗手,把 它慢慢地地溶解成一個洗手 盤,把一個雕塑造成另一個雕塑。

Transform everyday objects into sculp- tures, the making are repetitive and require extreme mental focus. Pushing body to its limit, as my meditation. 從日常物品中轉化、過程重複、精神極度集中 。 我視這些把身體 推至極致的活動為一種精神上的 修煉。

Toilet paper, soap and washbasins also refer to the place of a toilet; It is my recent exploration of one person space. Whether origin and production process of this piece, is also a meditation and auto-therapy. 厠紙、肥皂及都洗手盤暗示了洗手間的場域,是 我近期對一個人的 空間的探索。 無論是這些作品 的緣起及製作過程都是一種冥想及 自療。

The Huge Soap is a sculpture on itself. As audiences wash their hands, the huge soap dissolves and transforms gradually into a basin. It is the audiences sculpt a sculp- ture into another. 巨大的肥皂本身已是一個雕塑,當觀眾在這個巨 大的肥皂上洗手,把 它慢慢地地溶解成一個洗手 盤,把一個雕塑造成另一個雕塑。

這作品賞試以最少的”觸碰”把一件現成物轉 化成一件雕塑。儘 管視覺呈現是微妙的,工作 卻很繁複:把厠紙的三層分別展開。然後, 整 層中間層以手工剪剪成圖案。最後,將三層厠 紙重新捲繞以返回 到其原點。看似和當初沒什 麼兩樣,本質上卻跟本地改變了。

從日常物品中轉化、過程重複、精神極度集中 。我視這些把身體 推至極致的活動為一種精神 上的修煉。

這作品賞試以最少的”觸碰”把一件現成物轉 化成一件雕塑。儘 管視覺呈現是微妙的,工作 卻很繁複:把厠紙的三 層分別展開。然後, 整 層中間層以手工剪剪成圖案。最後,將三層厠 紙重新捲繞以返回 到其原點。看似和當初沒什 麼兩樣,本質上卻跟本地改變了。

a-typical way -
What is Rainbow?”
Exhibition in Polytechnic University, Innovation Tower in ten days festivals.
What is rainbow?
An arch of concentric coloured bands (conventionally described as red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet) visible in the sky in a direction opposite to the sun when sunlight shines through rain or other water droplets in the atmosphere.
Co-create with Ho Shut Hang Amanda, Kwok Chin Yung Rosanna, Leung Chi Hoi, Calvin and Siu Kwok Kin, Stanley.

Writing by Nature
Bronze, Steel, Feather, ink,
This work captures the movement of nature and transforms the ‘written statement’ by nature as visible traces. Here the nature has a first person narrative to speak/write. Such process is certainly spiritual but unlike a divination performance; the resulting traces provide the viewers some clues to interpret the ‘written messages’. It is through such interaction with nature that I wish my work could communicate with the public.
Exhibition in Artistree, 2013

Sugar Treasure 糖寶圖
Sugar, Water Guns, Steel and Wood
Sugar cubes building blocks compose the fairy tale Candyland – a white, imaginary landscape of old, vanishing architecture in pass Hong Kong.
Participants are invited to use water gun. In other words, the building vanishes n the passage of time.
An object can be found hidden inside the building. In order to search for that object, participants need to search over, demolish part of or even the entire block. It symbolizes the paradox of preservation and curiosity.
The project is therefore a journey to the memorable past. And the story has open end.
Co-create with Chan Yuen Lai, Winnie, Leung Chi Hoi Calvin and Siu Kwok Kin Stanley.
Exhibition in HKSZ Architectural Biennale 2010

Sugar Treasure 糖寶圖
Photo Waving, Digital Images on Photo Paper
Sugar Treasure is an installation in this year’s Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-City Biennale of Urbanism\Architecture, 2011.
The photo weaving collages are the juxtaposition of the “sugar building” at different time of the exhibition. The completeness and in-completeness of the sugar building compress the whole process, and highlight the process of the “destructions”, as well as our memory.
Co-create with Chan Yuen Lai Winnie, Leung Chi Hoi Calvin and Siu Kwok Kin Stanley.
Photography and weave by So Kwok kin
Exhibition in Artistree, 2013

Dream of Nature
Ceramic Pillow
The joy of ceramic making is that it requires a lot of repetitive works and demands energy and skills to work with hands and heart; it is somehow similar to mediation.
Ceramic pillow is a unique traditional Chinese artifact for sleep. It is often designed with elegant forms and decorations that symbolize happiness and other wisdoms in life. In this piece, I like to make a pillow for beauty sleep and good dream about nature. It is in the form of a brunch of grasses and has pointed edges towards the person’s head as one lies down on the pillow.
Exhibition in Artistree, 2013


Slides of Sky 片空
Submission for the Tamar Public Arts Projects: Shortlisted Entry
On the city’s “Green Carpet” alongside the pedestrian walkway, there stand an artwork resembling a big tree. A group of vertical glass panels with silkscreen pattern of leaves are installed in parallel setting. The panels overlapped one another to form the volumetric mass of the tree canopy. The silkscreen pattern adopts the silhouette of tree leaves of the fifty common local trees in Hong Kong. Passing amid it, it seems that I become part of the tree body. Through the shiny green crown canopy and the opening of the “Gateway”, I view the world. The sky separated into small slices, which show different shades of light in lapse of time.
Co-create with Chan Yuen Lai Winnie

在“添馬角”戶外木甲板的基地上,築起一座可供遊人休憩閑坐的竹花園。竹子叢以鏡面的不銹鋼三角柱子造成。觀者或踏步或坐,就如走進“可遊可居”的中國傳統山水園林之中,並以當代藝術和公共空間形式重新詮釋。个,一個人,在竹子叢中,其妙處在坐於特定椅子時,可以近距離面向一組三角柱子的正面,同時觀照不同角度的自身鏡像,是胸中之竹/園中之竹的 自身感觀互動;个个,可以是兩個人或众人,遊於其中,坐在椅子上的人是靜止的,正好與四周流動的人與景物形成強烈的對比,是觀者/被觀看者的位置轉移。

Bamboo Commune 个園
Submission for the Tamar Public Arts Projects: Shortlisted Entry
The bamboo commune is made of a group of triangular mirror-surface stainless steel posts. “Ge” also means a person in Chinese. He stands in the commune surrounded by bamboos. The most interesting part can be found by sitting on the designated stools; the person stays close to a group of bamboo posts with their mirror surfaces facing directly towards him, looking at his mirror reflections from different angles all at the same time. His self-confidence interacts with the bamboos in the commune. “Ge ge” means two or more people in Chinese. They wander in the commune. Those sitting on the stools are static, contrasts with other people and sceneries moving around. They switch back and forth from being a spectator to a participant.
Co-create with Chan Yuen Lai Winnie

超越自己、突破人類極限是運動的最高目標。本作品靈感取自中國傳統文人賞玩的山石,通常放置於庭院和書房中。有別於自然流水打磨而成的山石,這件雕塑以混凝土人工注造。在注造的過程中加入體育用具(如足球,網球拍等),待成型後除去,形成雕塑上的負空間( 如山石的“洞” ) ,表現運動沖擊力的動態造型。文人賞石在於陶冶性情;此公共雕塑則通過人之力 的表現讚揚永不放棄的鬥心、 自由意志和自律精神。

超越自己、突破人類極限是運動的最高目標。本作品靈感取自中國傳統文人賞玩的山石,通常放置於庭院和書房中。有別於自然流水打磨而成的山石,這件雕塑以混凝土人工注造。在注造的過程中加入體育用具(如足球,網球拍等),待成型後除去,形成雕塑上的負空間( 如山石的“洞” ) ,表現運動沖擊力的動態造型。文人賞石在於陶冶性情;此公共雕塑則通過人之力的表現讚揚永不放棄的鬥心、 自由意志和自律精神。
Sport Rock 動之石
Submission for the TKO Park Arts Projects:
To challenge one’s limits and leave a mark in human history are the ultimate goals of every sport. This work is inspired by traditional Chinese literati admiration of rocks, usually placed in the courtyard and study. Unlike the naturally polished rocks by water, this piece of concrete sculpture is casted by hands. During the form-making process, various kinds of sports equipments (such as soccer, tennis rack, etc.) were molded into the block and were removed after the piece was set. Negative spaces (that resembles the ‘holes’ on rocks) were created to express the force of sports action. When scholar’s rock cultivates mind, this public sculpture celebrates the never give up spirit, free will and self-discipline.

>在地鐵車站大堂與朋友會合,是許多都市人尤其是青少年日常生活中的集體經驗。 >樹,是人類最早的居所;亦是地標。樹蔭不僅提供庇護,也是鮮明的聚集點。 這件雕塑的概念源於在地鐵車站大堂約會的城市經驗。我們設計一個綠色的悠閒會合點: 一棵大樹下。 樹冠(葉子)是由搪瓷鋼板建造;十數種的顏色與香港各地鐵站的牆身裝飾搪瓷鋼板是一致的。 作品的不銹鋼架結構類似大榕樹(香港常見的原生樹種)的氣根。 雕塑不只和周邊環境相配合, 而且通透的特性還滿足了通風的需要。 作品寓意人與自然和諧共處,和在天空下約會的幸福憧憬。

>在地鐵車站大堂與朋友會合,是許多都市人尤其是青少年日常生活中的集體經驗。 >樹,是人類最早的居所;亦是地標。樹蔭不僅提供庇護,也是鮮明的聚集點。 這件雕塑的概念源於在地鐵車站大堂約會的城市經驗。我們設計一個綠色的悠閒會合點: 一棵大樹下。 樹冠(葉子)是由搪瓷鋼板建造;十數種的顏色與香港各地鐵站的牆身裝飾搪瓷鋼板是一致的。 作品的不銹鋼架結構類似大榕樹(香港常見的原生樹種)的氣根。 雕塑不只和周邊環境相配合, 而且通透的特性還滿足了通風的需要。 作品寓意人與自然和諧共處,和在天空下約會的幸福憧憬。
Under a Tree 大樹下
Submission for the MTR Public Arts Projects: Shortlisted Entry
>Meeting friends at the MTR station concourses is the collective experience of the daily life of many urban people especially young people.
>Tree, is the oldest form of human dwelling, and a landmark too. Its shade provides shelter and is a distinctive point for gathering.
The concept of this sculptural work takes the urban experience of meeting at the MTR concourse. We design a green leisurely meeting point: under a colorful tree.
The canopy is made of enamel steel panel; the materials and colors of the tree leaves match with the enamel wall panels used for of each MTR stations in Hong Kong. The sculpture is not only compatible with the surrounding environment; its permeability of the features also meets the needs of ventilation purposes.
The work symbolizes the harmonious coexistence between man and nature and the happy vision of dating under the sky.

A warm-bulb above my head given me subtle and unconscious warmth, a warm that can only provide for one person. 頭頂的暖燈不斷給我輕柔的,不自覺的溫暖,但它只能是一個人的 溫暖。

It is my recent exploration of one person space. 洗手間是我近期對一個人的空間的探索。

A warm-bulb above my head given me subtle and unconscious warmth, a warm that can only provide for one person. 頭頂的暖燈不斷給我輕柔的,不自覺的溫暖,但它只能是一個人的 溫暖。
A Room for Auto-therapy 2
一個人的自療間 2
Wax, Warmer Bulb, PVC, Stainless Steel 蠟 ,暖燈,塑料 ,不銹鋼 Size variable 尺寸可變
A warm-bulb above my head given me subtle and unconscious warmth, a warm that can only provide for one person. It is
my recent exploration of one person space. Whether origin and production process of this piece, is also a meditation and auto-therapy.
頭頂的暖燈不斷給我輕柔的,不自覺的溫暖,但它只能是一個人的 溫暖。洗手間是我近期對一個人的空間的探索。 無論是這些作品 的緣起及製作過程都是一種冥想及自療。

這是一個關於「空間幽默」的實驗,場所可以是任意的城市空間。 感謝嶺南大學給予藝術家駐校的機會。此實驗以大學為中心,在地圖上劃出縱橫線。縱線由北面泥圍起,途經大學丶新墟街市丶屯門河丶蝴蝶邨等,伸延至南面海岸終。橫線由東面山脊始,途經虎地丶兆康西鐵站、小坑村等,到西面山脊止。兩條直線貫穿 之地大致包含了屯門社區各種空間及社群。藝術家遊走於這兩條指定路線,並嘗試運用自己的觀察及想像,發掘社區中的空間幽默。

這是一個關於「空間幽默」的實驗,場所可以是任意的城市空間。 感謝嶺南大學給予藝術家駐校的機會。此實驗以大學為中心,在地圖上劃出縱橫線。縱線由北面泥圍起,途經大學丶新墟街市丶屯門河丶蝴蝶邨等,伸延至南面海岸終。橫線由東面山脊始,途經虎地丶兆康西鐵站、小坑村等,到西面山脊止。兩條直線貫穿之地大致包含了屯門社區各種空間及社群。藝術家遊走於這兩條指定路線,並嘗試運用自己的觀察及想像,發掘社區中的空間幽默。

Monster Shooting inside the gallery

A Room for Auto-therapy 4
一個人的自療間 4
Wax, Warmer Bulb, Copper 蠟 ,暖燈,塑料 ,銅 Size variable 尺寸可變
The daily Life in Toilet:
For many people, the daily practice in the toilet is the most sacred moment in their daily life. Mostly alone, they are forced to face themselves. And those daily practices is highly repetitive, like brushing teeth, makeup... It is naturally closer to the status of meditation. Those cloud be a toilet Zen.
The juxtaposition of the daily practice image and a spiritual setting explain each other.
對於很多人來說,在廁所的日常是他們生活中最神聖的時刻。獨自一人,他們被迫面對自己。那些活動是高度重複的,就像刷牙,化妝...... 自自然接近冥想的狀態。這可叫為廁所禪。

FH2 - DOOM in Real
Leather, Wood, Cardboard, Steel, Double Channel Video 皮革,木,紙皮,鋼,雙頻錄像
Size variable 尺寸可變
“DOOM” is a three–dimensional first person shooter from the early 90s.
This piece is to materialize artifacts form the Virtual Reality in physical reality. The objects are created based on the logic and wireframe of the software- generated world and textured with real world materials. This excise attempts to reverse the order of reality and Virtual Reality, hence to create some “retro–realistic” artifacts.
First Solo Exhibition:
Humorous Field -
Field to Humour
幽默地誌-- 地致幽默
During Lingnan University Artist-in-Residence
This is an experiment in spatial humour, and this assumption of humour can be applied to any urban space.
Two straight lines were laid on the map of Tuen Mun. They would become the premises of this experiment. Exploring the two fixed paths, the artist observes and discovers potential humour along the route. This methodology was adapted from census data collection of marine life, in which marine biologists follow a selected transect across the sea floor and record the species of plants and sea animal encountered
FH1 - Way to University
Digital Print Drawing and Photo
數碼打印及相片 Size variable 尺寸可變
Ringing the edge of Lingnan University west facade, next to the bus station, is a small trail of what looks like the concrete base of a metal fence. This slap of concrete rests on a bed of green and flowers, looking as if it is a runway.
University is a place for expanding horizons, where heritage meets inventions. In the form of a public sculpture proposal, I am proposing to build a pathway on the concrete base symbolizing the spirit that leads one to explore new territories.

Field: In front of the main gate of Lingnan University next to the bus station. Humour Technique: Metaphor 地點: 嶺南大學大門對出巴士站旁 幽默技:比喻

Exhibited in Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition 2016 於2016威尼斯建築雙年展展出

Digital Print on Aluminium (Intended to fade out during the exhibition for 6 months. ) 鋁板數碼打印 (擬於6個月展期中漫漫退色)

Exhibited in Venice Biennale Architecture Exhibition 2016 於2016威尼斯建築雙年展展出
A Hometown Trilogy
Mixed Media 混合媒界
Size variable 尺寸可變
The power of one person: How great that could be? The archi- tect uses his full efforts and resources to improve the environ- ment of his hometown, in three phases, for which he designates this project as “Hometown Trilogy”. The principle is similar to acupuncture, in faith that a small stimulation of one’s own could have a ripple effect to influence the minds of the fellow villag- ers.
一個人的力量有多大?建築師嘗試以一人之力、一人所有之資源, 在他所能所及的地方,以三部曲的形式作出小改善;以小處影響 大,如針灸的原理,去改變一班人的想法。

前三部是藝術家為威尼斯建築雙展製作的: 以人類學的方式遊走 自己的家鄉,探索可實 踐的小改善,如針炙的原理,改變一班人的 想 法。 第四部是前三部的總結:( 搜索、鄰里、清理 、泥土、祖先、社群、 迷信、記憶 ) 藝術家發現一件拆卸於一棟古民宅的木趟櫳 正在腐 朽,把它轉化成傾聽土地的椅子。訴 說著它的故事。

坤龍,作為祖先的隱喻,便藏身於樹根當中。 轉化成傾聽土地的椅子。並訴說著它自己的故事。 When siting on the Kung Loong bench, audience can listen the sound from the inner earth.

前三部是藝術家為威尼斯建築雙展製作的: 以人類學的方式遊走 自己的家鄉,探索可實 踐的小改善,如針炙的原理,改變一班人的 想 法。 第四部是前三部的總結:( 搜索、鄰里、清理 、泥土、祖先、社群、 迷信、記憶 ) 藝術家發現一件拆卸於一棟古民宅的木趟櫳 正在腐 朽,把它轉化成傾聽土地的椅子。訴 說著它的故事。
A Hometown Project -
Part 4 – Kwan Loong
Stainless steel, wood, soil, plastics, single channel vidoe, audio Channel, digital Printing 不銹鋼,木材,泥土,塑料,單路視頻,音 頻,數碼印刷 Size variable 尺寸可變
“A Hometown Trilogy” is a work showing in Venice Architecture Biennale: Artist mingled around his hometown and found some improvement that he can finish with his own power and resourc- es. Like the principle acupuncture, pinpoint an area to stimulate changes.
Part 4: Kwan Loong is the conclusion of the above project. (Search, neighborhood cleanup, soil, ancestry, community, su- perstition, memory) The artist found a wooden gate demolished from a traditional house was decaying. He transformed it into a chair that can listen to the sound of the earth and tell its stories.

HF3 - Lucky Place
Digital Print Drawing and Photos
Size variable 尺寸可變
Professional gamblers are careful about where they do their betting. The place needs to be cherry–picked. Beneath the Tuen Mun Station Bridge, next to the riverside, is an open area with a beautiful summer breeze, different shades of green, fishes dancing in the river and not a lot of traffic. Telling from what is left behind, those who gamble here must be very lucky.
對於專業賭徒,賭馬、度馬及賽事進行時所處的地點,都是精心挑選的。西鐵屯門站尾橋㡳河邊 ,要風有風,要水有水,有草有魚,沒有人流,卻比鄰西鐵站。縱觀當時的地方與物件,這位賭徒應該是贏了
HF4 - Door Gods
Digital Print Drawing and Photos
30 x 84 cm
When the gardeners enter the park for a pruning job, they created a loophole at the gate of the “everything prohibited” park.

The humorous field: Park entrance across Mei Lok Lane Humor Technique: Metaphor 幽默地: 美樂里對出海濱公園入口 幽默技:比喻

幽默地誌 (HF) 當我們逐漸適應一個地方,便會對這個地方的所有產生一種預期的經驗。 因為每個地方都盛載著各式各樣的標誌,而其中所帶給我們的訊息,也牽引著我們對這個地的情感及行為。 這些都會指示我們在現實生活中尋找一些與預期不相符的有趣經驗,幽默的事往往就在其中。

The humorous field: Park entrance across Mei Lok Lane Humor Technique: Metaphor 幽默地: 美樂里對出海濱公園入口 幽默技:比喻

HF2 - Blindly follow road signs 盲從交通標誌 2016
Single Channel Video, PVC Sticker, Digital Print on Paper 單頻錄像,PVC貼紙,數碼打印
Size variable 尺寸可變
Pavement surface markings are mostly stretched in perspective of the road users to increase legibility. These road markings indicate directions.
Here, the road markings on the bicycle trail were put diagonally, against the direction of the lanes. I had to zigzag my way across the trail. I regret causing inconvenience to other road users.
HF1 - Collective Calligraphy 集體書法 2016
Digital Printing on Chinese Paper Mound on Scroll
Calligraphy Pen, PVC 宣紙數碼打印卷軸,毛筆,PVC膠 Size variable 尺寸可變
Guidelines for Collective Calligraphy
1. Assuming there are Z number of participants of Collective Calligraphy, it would require a specially made calligraphy brush of Z times 15 centimeters in length.
2. Map out the grid for the characters, reserve ten percent space for margin for each characters.
3. Use Liu’s Regular script, each characters is to be finish within 20 seconds.
4. Allow participants to meditate for about 10 minutes
5. All participants hold a section of the calligraphy brush, from the eldest to the youngest, who holds the bottom part of the brush.
6. Initiate writing, the eldest members control the span of each stroke
7. Write in synchronized motion.

合眾人之力書道設想 1. 如書寫之人有Z 個,特製一支筆桿長 Z x15厘米的毛筆。 2. 在紙上畫方格。設想每字邊緣離方格邊沿有十個百分比的空間。 3. 只以柳體楷書書寫。每字由起筆到收筆必須以剛好二十秒完成。 4. 各人冥想10分鐘。 5. 以長幼次序由上而下各執毛筆一段。 6. 執筆,書寫時由最年長的成員操控起筆時間。 7. 以眾念同步書寫

The humorous field: Hing Tak School (Founded by the heir of Tsao’s from Nai Wai, Sun Fung Wai, and Chung Uk Tsuen.) Humour Technique: Reading Literally 幽默地: 興德學校 (由泥圍、順風圍及鍾屋村陶氏後人合辦。) 幽默技:認真解讀

合眾人之力書道設想 1. 如書寫之人有Z 個,特製一支筆桿長 Z x15厘米的毛筆。 2. 在紙上畫方格。設想每字邊緣離方格邊沿有十個百分比的空間。 3. 只以柳體楷書書寫。每字由起筆到收筆必須以剛好二十秒完成。 4. 各人冥想10分鐘。 5. 以長幼次序由上而下各執毛筆一段。 6. 執筆,書寫時由最年長的成員操控起筆時間。 7. 以眾念同步書寫

冬菇亭是香港舊式公屋的熟食亭,四方形、斜頂丶中間有凸出排氣口。十足一顆冬菇, 故稱為「冬菇亭」。採用自然排風,熱氣由中間的排氣口排走,冷空氣由四面補充,加強空氣對流。補充,加強空氣對流。 領展接手後,大事翻新,改建成全室內空間。把原來的租戶趕走,引入各大連鎖商舖,充分發揮賺盡以自肥的原則。

The “Mushroom Kiosk” used to be an opened, roofed Cooked Food Centre in large public housing estate. The roof is shaped like a rectangular umbrella with a pyramid shape exhaust system at the tip. It looks very much like a mushroom hence the name “Mushroom Kiosk”. It was design to create efficient air–flow in an open area, as the hot air of the food vendors is draw to the top of the structure by the exhaust fans, cool air is channeled from all four sides due to air convection.

Field: Mushroom Kiosk in Butterfly Estate Humour Technique: Humorous Architecture 地點: 蝴蝶邨冬菇亭 幽默技:幽默建築

冬菇亭是香港舊式公屋的熟食亭,四方形、 斜頂丶中間有凸出排氣口。十足一顆冬菇,故稱為「冬菇亭」。採用自然排風,熱氣由中間的排氣口排走,冷空氣由四面補充,加強空氣對流。補充,加強空氣對流。 領展接手後,大事翻新,改建成全室內空間。把原來的租戶趕走,引入各大連鎖商舖,充分發揮賺盡以自肥的原則。
FH3 - Stuffed Mushroom
Digital Output on Photo Paper
24 x 42 cm x 4
Mushroom Kiosk
stuffed mushroom
fill my tummy
cute and puffy