How a person situates oneself in time?

My Artist Statement
How a person situates oneself in time?
For an individual, time can define as Past, Present and Future; a linear movement always flows and doesn’t undergo any changes.
Present (Moment): The present moment is the only exist world. We can only experience the present. The focus on the current position of space and time relieve. The present have no dimension at all, but it is both empty and full.
Past (Memory): We experience the present moment by our past memory, and predict the future with our mind. So, past doesn't exist anymore. It is our memory and mind that carry it. Individual became a vassal contained his/her own history/world that doesn't exist anymore in the real world. Still, it is the present moment only with the real experience.
(Moral) on Future Generation: We owe our future generations of people not to undermine their opportunities for a truly human life. How’s the future goes depend on the current situation and our present reaction. The way of living and our relationship with nature is not a matter of choice, but a moral duty.
For this manifesto, I call it 3M of time.